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     ≡  ...dernières nouvelles du cosmos ...

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§ivct # 55 ≡ Re: ...dernières nouvelles du cosmos ...
Groupe I
Groupe I
5900 posts depuis
le 4/7/2010
"Astrophoto: Paint the Sky with Clouds

Composite of 300 images of the sky during 45 minutes at sunset over Palmerston North, New Zealand. Credit and copyright: Manoj Kesavan.

Here’s a great – and beautiful! – example of what you can do with image stacking. Manoj Kesavan, an avid astrophotographer based at Massey University, New Zealand shot 300 images during 45 minutes at sunset (6:45 pm to 7.30 pm local time) from Palmerston North, New Zealand. “It’s a stack of 300 images, which means virtually putting all 300 photos on top of each other,” Kesavan explained via email. “So the cloud formation, movement and the transformation of sky color from blue to purple to red are captured on one single final image. And the saturation has been pumped up during the post processing.”

 Fichier joint 
New Zealand.jpg

jpg New Zealand.jpg (119.24Kb; 78 Hits)

21.04.13 - 00:46 Profil



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