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     ≡  Les chevaux possibles dans le jockey club

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§kalimero2 # 34 ≡ Re: Les chevaux possibles dans le jockey club
Groupe I
Groupe I
2328 posts depuis
le 26/1/2008
Citation :
d'autant plus que le JC est la seule course à laquelle il participe dimanche à Chantilly. A moins qu'il vienne pour faire plaisir à l'Aga Khan ?

Il court bien pour lui, on peut lire ça sur SportingLife :

"Kesampour is one of two runners in the French Classic for owner the Aga Khan, the other being the Alain de Royer-Dupre-trained Lunayir.

With retained French rider Christophe Lemaire unsurprisingly siding with Kesampour, Johnny Murtagh, the owner's retained rider in Britain and Ireland, comes in for the ride on Lunayir.

De Royer-Dupre, who has saddled six previous winners of the French Derby, said: "Everything is OK with the horse. It is a big step up in class for him, but the horse looks well and I am very happy with him.

"His first line of form this year is very good. He finished very close to Albion, who then finished very close to Kesampour in the Prix Greffulhe.

"Our horse won at Chantilly last time and I hope it is good ground on Sunday as he prefers that to softer ground.

"He is drawn in stall 15, which is not the best, but he could be in stall 20, which would be much worse."
02.06.12 - 21:24 Profil



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