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     ≡  art sebal etalon prestigieux partira a la boucherie,si...

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§Catchacoma # 52 ≡ Re: art sebal etalon prestigieux partira a la boucherie,si..
Course C
Course C
3 posts depuis
le 31/8/2006
hi everybody

my french is not good enough to write, I hope you can understand what I wanna say. first of all a big thank you to all you guys who made it possible to save art sebal. he is a very nice horse, was a great racehorse and he has a marvellous character, he definitely would not deserve a walk into the slaughterhouse. it is a shame even to think about something like that.
we are the breeders of catchacoma and check'n raise, two of art sebals offsprings. we now live in canada and we are happy to have our "crack" catchacoma in retirement on our farm. we sold catchacoma to california when he was a 5 year old but we never really lost touch with him and eventually, when his racing career was over, whe contacted his trainer and asked him if we could give him a home. the owners agreed and so it came that we are reunited with our first homebred and we are so happy to have him here. he looks much alike his sire, art sebal.
also we have a 3 year old in training who is a full brother to catchacoma. he has not started yet but we are confident he will make a good impression on the racetrack.

again, thank you to all of you for your efforts, if it werent for you art sebal would probably soon be another horse in horse heaven... and thank you to the "rescuers" who bought art sebal, the won't regret it.

everybody take care
31.08.06 - 17:35 Profil Visiter le site



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