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     ≡  Saint Leger des Trotteurs - Caen 16/05/12

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§UaUka1 # 10 ≡ Re: Saint Leger des Trotteurs - Caen 16/05/12
251 posts depuis
le 15/1/2011
Hello everyone
Thanks for your kind support from baby "Vanishing Point"

All I know when you have a favourite in G1 race! You are expected to finish in the top 3.
And nothing is won before it started!

Am completely relaxed and will live this race without any stress
I wish him a good parcour ....so he can espress his talent!

I just hope he breaks the record of the piste .....just like in Prix Hemine
I thank the "Gods of horses" for this genetic gift named "Vanishing Point"
The Best Trainer...Best Jockey and Best Jockey and the Best Horse!
Parce que nous le valons bien !

As Placebo sings it
Reminds me that it's killing time
On this fateful day
See you at the bitter end
See you at the bitter end

Gooooooooo Vanishing Point gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo whoooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo

:-D :-D :-D Mde. Sharmila Dass ... vanishing.point@aol.com
14.05.12 - 19:15 Profil



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